söndag 5 april 2009

Sneak A Peak

At the Youthhood releaseparty-gig we recorded the entire show. Basically we did use five camcorders that our nice comrades lend us. With four camcorders in different angles and Jimmie on the loose with one of the better camcorder we actually received superb material.

This is mainly a way of letting you know how we'll look on stage and a way for us, Deviniance knowing how cool respective ridiculous our approach is on stage.
When I was setting up all the cameras I forgot to maintain some sort of basic sound in the beginning. That sound would help me when I was editing and synchronized all five cameras. It's been quite a drama putting all of it together. Right now, I've almost finished "Cease And Heal". There are still some synchronizing to go but all in all I am heading for the new song "A Slow Decay".

This "sneak a peak" was basically an idea from Elvis. Not the real Elvis, 'caus he's dead right? Although, I said to Elvis that "I am almost finished with editing "Cease And Heal". He replied with "Haven't you got a have a sneak a peak?". At that moment I did not have a sneak a peak for Elvis. But in eager to please my dear Elvis i kicked of Vegas and took two different clips from "Cease and heal" and put it together..


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