måndag 27 april 2009

Studio #2

Last night we thought we would be done with our three song demo, we were wrong.

I arrived exactly 9:59 at Slakthusets studio. I had a goodnight sleep and felt pretty siked about recording the first guitar sounds. For starters Håkan and I tried to find the perfect clean sound. We did not find it, we did find a pretty good one though. The intro in "A Slow Decay" was first to go and we did not bother using a metronome because it is 9/8 rate. The clock was suddenly 1 ó clock and my fingers were bleeding. Rikard and I started to take turns whos turn it was to record the guitar. The guitar sound came out pretty good. Of course it should be awesome, but that’s pretty impossible in that sort of studio. But it sounds better than the last time though.
As we have written in our MySpace blog we welcomed Elvis a couple months earlier. This was the first time in studio with him, which was cool. The piano was no problem for Elvis, he used his skills as he should do as a piano/noise dude.

We like to mixture with sounds that creates feelings and vibes. That is what Elvis do, he provides that extra feeling to the sound and band, he is creating that "top of the edge" feeling you know. Everything went well and Elvis work was done, perfectly. Next off were the vocals. I was pretty nervous because it is such a big part of me. It is quite easy to lay your criticism on one of the singers, obviously. Again that day was over and we had to schedule another day to lay the final vocals and finalize/mix the songs. Friday the 1st of May will be day when our demo will free for downloading, keep in touch!

lördag 25 april 2009

I am totally exhausted. A bulldozer has run over me.. No it has not but it actually feels like it.

Last night we opened in behaves of Endorphins. At 9 ó clock roughly 50 people jostled down in the back of MS Linné, it felt awesome with a big audience. We opened with the song “Cease And Heal” and played trough a repertoire of five songs, our show ended with “Allegory”. It felt like people appreciated our show, and we certainly did enjoy it, even if our last rehearsal was one week prior. We are grateful for the show last night, thanks Endorphins.

The 23rd of April we started to record our demo” Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamus in illis” Which basically means “As the ages changes, so do we change”. It will include tree songs, Curriculum Vitae, Cease and heal and A Slow Decay. It will be free for downloading.
We did kick off by recording the drums. By gathering the best drum parts from two different kits we achieved an awesome sound. Definitely the best Slakthusets studio can produce. The whirl was whirling and the cymbals were giving the perfect atmosphere that cymbals should do, it felt pretty awesome. After some hours of plugging everything into what it was supposed to be connected with we finished the drum parts for each song.

The clock was running faster than Torkel was smoking cigarettes and suddenly it was time to go home. Today was a good day, we achieved good material and tomorrow we will finish it. We will make use of everything that we can.

söndag 5 april 2009

Sneak A Peak

At the Youthhood releaseparty-gig we recorded the entire show. Basically we did use five camcorders that our nice comrades lend us. With four camcorders in different angles and Jimmie on the loose with one of the better camcorder we actually received superb material.

This is mainly a way of letting you know how we'll look on stage and a way for us, Deviniance knowing how cool respective ridiculous our approach is on stage.
When I was setting up all the cameras I forgot to maintain some sort of basic sound in the beginning. That sound would help me when I was editing and synchronized all five cameras. It's been quite a drama putting all of it together. Right now, I've almost finished "Cease And Heal". There are still some synchronizing to go but all in all I am heading for the new song "A Slow Decay".

This "sneak a peak" was basically an idea from Elvis. Not the real Elvis, 'caus he's dead right? Although, I said to Elvis that "I am almost finished with editing "Cease And Heal". He replied with "Haven't you got a have a sneak a peak?". At that moment I did not have a sneak a peak for Elvis. But in eager to please my dear Elvis i kicked of Vegas and took two different clips from "Cease and heal" and put it together..
